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I believe every human being deserves and has the right to do what they are great at and love doing, every single day, unapologetically.


Tawnya Starr is a business consultant and executive advisor who works with entrepreneurs, CEOs, business leaders and executive teams to scale and transform organizations using applied analytical traits. When you identify the right talent for your business or organization, it can lead to your greatest P&L performance.

  • Sprious began working with Tawnya in early 2022, and we have thoroughly enjoyed the journey of helping our leaders and team members better understand one another and how we can all work together most effectively. It has also given us an extra layer of objectivity in our hiring process, and Tawnya’s guidance has helped to ensure that we are hiring the right people for the right seats.

  • Working with Tawnya has allowed us to make better hiring decisions and has given the team a short hand to address issues at our company with more compassion and understanding for one another.

  • Tawnya has been a huge help to Silverhawk Aviation. After hiring the wrong person multiple times, having a formula for getting the right fit saves countless hours, dollars, and headaches. It’s also great to be able to tweak the wording in a job posting to specifically target the kind of person you are looking for.  My favorite part is probably having a dedicated coach to discuss individual people, current and future jobs, and how to get the best fit for the role and the person.

  • From the day Ten Dot started working with Tawnya she has been responsive and insightful. Her guidance and advice makes finding the right people for the right seats more effective. 
    She helps us to not only understand various angles of evaluating patterns for job fit, but also how to most effectively lead and manage based on employee traits. 
    Wisdom - she knows this topic inside and out. We can always count on her insights to lead us down the most successful path of candidate selection.

The Starr Group by the numbers

  • Individuals Trained
    Individuals Trained


  • Positions Hired
    Positions Hired


  • Surveys Administered
    Surveys Administered




About Tawnya

Firespring co-founder Tawnya Starr has an incredible passion for life. She brings as much energy and enthusiasm to a dinner table on a Tuesday as she does climbing her way up a mountain. If you are a friend or acquaintance of Tawnya, you have experienced her authentic intention to find a meaningful connection. Her entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to helping others grow has led her down a path of mentoring, coaching and fostering leadership in others.

Since 2013, Tawnya has been incorporating Culture Index into her own company and dozens of others with extraordinary success. She has a unique ability to creatively leverage data, relationships and the innate strengths of people to maximize company productivity and create a rich company culture.

Tawnya’s recent focus on accomplishing personal goals has had a profound impact on her approach to team leadership and what acceptance of self and others is really about. Her latest achievements include trekking to Everest Base Camp, heli skiing at age 50, attending Burning Man and reaching her goal to visit 100 countries. 

Tawnya Starr

With every experience, professionally and personally, Tawnya has gained a deeper insight into the importance of embracing diversity and being willing to adapt and change. She has experienced and understands, firsthand, the challenges in creating and maintaining company culture and the role that culture plays, not only in business, but also in personal fulfillment and our society as a whole.